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Mike’s Schedule

إذا لم تكن قد قمت بذلك بالفعل ، فتأكد من إنشاء حساب بالنقر هنا: إنشاء حساب

Since moving to Amman I decided that the best way to make good use of my time is to have a schedule. I know how hard I’ve struggled to learn Arabic so I’ve added some notes you can use.

قبل إجراء الاختبار ، يمكنك استخدام الزر "ترجمة" في الزاوية اليسرى السفلية إذا كنت بحاجة إليه. تأكد من إكمال الاختبار باستخدام "اللغة الإنجليزية".
Days of the Weekأيام الأسبوع
Sundayيوم الأحد
Tuesdayيوم الثلاثاء
Thursdayيوم الخميس


HD Quiz powered by harmonic design

#1. What time does Mike wake up in the morning?

#2. What time does Mike go to bed?

#3. On which days does Mike study Arabic poetry?

#4. At what time does Mike leave home during the week?

#5. At what time does Mike do Quranic Studies on a Sunday?

#6. Lunch is a meal that is eaten…

#7. Mike gets home at….

#8. On which days does Mike NOT go to gym?

Select all that apply:

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