People and Places
#1. Hi, I’m Fatimah
#2. My name’s Ali. Where are you from?
#3. I’m from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, and you?
#4. Fatimah: This is my sister, Zainub. She’s also …….
#5. Fatimah: This is my sister, Zainub.
#6. Ali: This is my friend, Mike.
#7. Is Mike from America?
#8. Zainub: Do Australians speak Australian?
#9. Mike: Well, it’s easy to make that mistake. People from Japan are called Japanese and they speak …..
#10. Ali: That’s funny. I’ve got one. People in Lebanon are called Lebanese so they must speak….
#11. Zainub: Haha. Ok, enough with the English quiz. How old are you Mike?
#12. Fatimah: Don’t put her on the spot. Let me guess…
#13. Ali: Shame, you made him older than he is.
#14. Mike: Let me guess, Fatimah is twenty-five years old?
#15. Ali: What are you ladies doing in Jordan?
#16. What about you Ali? What is your job?
#17. Zainub: What is your occupation Mike?
#18. Ali: Fatimah, what are you studying?
#19. Mike: What about you Zainub? What do you want to become?
#20. Fatimah: What are you studying, Mike?
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