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Mike McLaren’s Story Part 1

I am the last born of five siblings. Both my parents, Helen and Gregory, are still alive. My father, Gregory, is seventy-five years old. My mother, Helen, is sixty years old. Like all Australian children in my day, I grew up spending most of my time outside. My family wasn’t religious and we rarely went to church. I remember sometimes going to church when there was a wedding, a funeral and on Christmas. Apart from those occasions I’m not sure whether I could be called a Christian. There was someone I knew who did have a religion, and who practiced it. He was my best friend, Ahmad. 

Ahmad would go and wash regularly and go off to hide away. I always wondered what he was doing. One day, I saw him bow down and put his head on the ground. It was strange. I asked him afterwards and he seemed to be annoyed that I had saw him. Almost reluctantly he told me that he was praying to Allah. “Who is Allah?” I asked. “The God of all; He who created everything and who keeps everything alive,” he replied. That stuck with me and would later influence my decisions in life. 



Don’t sweat it. This wasn’t an easy one. Try again? 

HD Quiz powered by harmonic design

#1. Siblings

#2. Gregory is ___ years old and Helen is _____ .

#3. Mike grew up very religious and usually went to church.

#4. Apart from those occasions, I’m not sure whether I could be called a Christian.

#5. Mike’s best friend Ahmad was most likely a ______.

#6. “He was my best friend Ahmad.”

Select all that apply:

#7. It was strange.

#8. “Almost reluctantly he told me…”

#9. That stuck with me and would later influence my decisions in life.

#10. Why did Mike choose Jordan as a country to study in?

Select all that apply:
